This week I read the testimony of a pastor whose church experienced an incredible move of the Holy Spirit. During this move people accepted Christ into their hearts, children received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit as outlined in the Bible, they danced before the Lord and worshipped with abandon. People of prominence were not only exposed to the refreshing presence of the Lord, but were embracing it and allowing God to demonstrate His power in the lives. As I read the words of the hungry pastor I rejoiced and was encouraged.
As I read the comments of ministers and pastors who were responding to this post I was discouraged, many of these men of God questioned the validity of the move, and more importantly, they questioned the necessity of a move of God in our time. I understand the feed me mentality of the American Church, that we in Pentecostal circles have experienced many moves of God and often label a good service, one that involves or includes emotional worship and experiences as a move of God. I too tire of shouting and singing, dancing and declaring, only to return to the same path and pattern when the meeting is over...but we need a move of God!
Throughout human history and God's dealings with His very own creation there has always been a need for God to move in the lives of His people. We are frail and weak, we ascend and descend the ladders of life constantly, we are in today and out tomorrow, frustrated by life, concerned about the future, and unsure how to approach life's circumstances, unaware at times of God's presence...we need God! Political systems will not suffice, new presidents, lower gas prices and income taxes will not do. Rid our laws of those offensive policies and man will still need God. Build bigger churches, create better programs, feed the sick, minister to the poor, and satisfy the physical and psychological needs of mankind...we will still need a move of God!
Listen to the words of the Prophet Isaiah: "Oh, that You would rend the heavens! That You would come down! That the mountains might shake at Your presence-As fire burns brushwood, As fire causes water to boil-To make your name known to Your adversaries, That the nations may tremble at Your presence!" (Isaiah 64:1-2)
The cry of my heart is for an authentic move of God, one that doesn't just stir our emotions, but one that moves us into an authentic relationship with God. It isn't more preaching that we need, we've heard the Word, it isn't to fall down on the floor or to receive another prophetic word, we've done is to realize that God is coming and we tremble at His presence and we move into greater dimensions of relationship and our hearts become ablaze with the love and passion of Jesus Christ, and from that heart flows ministry and the world around us is affected by the love of God that is constraining us!
I'm not sure about anyone else...but I need the move of God in my life!
Neil, Have you listened to Michael Card's Know You in the Now lately?
Want me to send it to you?
I have listened to it 792,526 times in the last three months. Maybe I speak in hyperbole. I have listened to it enough that your post made me think of it.
Oh, I want to see you and Julie. Are you going to San Antonio. Phooey. I'm going to call you now.
The authentic move of God is ever present. It is not His move we need to seek. We must tune our hearts, minds and souls to His frequency, so the still small voice comes through clearly. "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His Righteousness. Then all these things shall be added unto you." Hallelujah.
Love you. Always and forever.
We are leaving tomorrow morning for Dallas, preach there this weekend and on to SA on Monday. Call my cell!
I'll be at the Hyatt Regency. I'll be working Registration.
I'll be at the Missions Department Booth. LOOK FOR ME, Please.
Neil--I was discouraged and ran across this posting on your blog. It was such a blessing to me. Please keep us in prayer. We need a move of God desperately. We can never do what God would have us do without it. Janice Poston (hope you remember us from RCWC)
My e-mail is
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