Saturday, November 26, 2005

Thanksgiving Day my family and took advantage of our season passes to Busch Gardens, road the roller coasters and enjoyed a beautiful day together. Friday was another story!
We took off for Orlando to stay in the beautiful Florida Mall Hotel-one of a kind, awesome place, we absolutely adored it. It is connected to this huge mall with dozens of stores, places I've never heard of and prices I certainly cannot afford.
The people were wall to wall, to the place I considered just laying down and letting them run over and squish me...but then it might be considered suicide and I couldn't get into heaven and my wife couldn't draw on my I bore the shopping pain.
Then it happened, we went into Aeropostle, my 13 year olds favorite store, the Aeropostle model was there and my baby, my little girl, my firstborn was telling me how hot he was and trying to take his picture...thankfully there were too many people and when we returned he was gone...I'm simply not ready for teenhood...but it's here!
I am thankful for my children, both of our daughters are beautiful girls that love the Lord, Julie and I are truly blessed!


Anonymous said...

Oh my! First I can hardly believe that she is 13 already!!!! Time sure does fly.

Secondly I can't believe you went shopping on Friday, you are brave brave people. ROFL

Neil said...

When I get to your house Exqsme, you will have to show me how to put pictures in my blog, I just can't seem to get it!

Anyway, shopping as you well know is not my thing, I go in, get what I'm looking for and leave. Malls are made for Starbucks and Corn Dogs. We enjoyed our time together and I spoke out loudly about the people who wouldn't walk, move, get out of my way, left their babies in strollers in front of me and sat in carts carrying on didn't change anything, but I didn't get beat up either!

Pastor Jeff said...

Hey, Neil, I can talk you through the picture. It's pretty easy. If you'd like, email me.
God bless,

Anonymous said...

LOL Probably better for Jeff to walk you through it.. with me you might get OK you click on this thingy to pull up that thing a ma bob and voila you have a picture thng a ma jig.

I'm real technical that way HAHAHAHA

~ Christa