The Anointing of Insight
This evening we had a men's Bible study on the 2nd chapter of Proverbs, it was quite interesting, men shared their thoughts and insights, I was glad that I attended. The leader of the study said something that peaked my interest, he prayed that God would give us an anointing of insight, the ability to see within a thing and gain revelation on the matter. This really spoke to me, I am convinced that to those whom revelation is given, from them revelation is required, yet, not just the speaking of words, not flattery, but a lifestyle of revelation, that we become the Word of God to the people we have been privileged to connect with. The issue of a dark world is that the light within us must become greater than the darkness around us. If we are to change our world it will not be done by programs and sermons alone, it will be done by ordinary people that have had a true conversion, have a real relationship with Christ, and are walking in the light of Jesus to the point that their very existence expresses Christ wherever they are.
I'm reading a book by Jerry Cook on being the Monday morning church. The basic theme of this book is our need to become incarnational, that just as Jesus came in the form of man, we represent Christ to men as men, yet with Christ living in and through us. We are not gods, we are God's, we belong to Him, live by Him, and He lives through us, others see Him and we are given the opportunity to express His life to them and lead them into a relationship with Jesus.
We have had many conversions, people confessing Christ, but quickly returning to the homes without a clue as to what has just transpired in their lives. The message of Christ was one of making disciples, of developing learners, of turning confession into true conversion by the turning away from sin and the turning to a new life in's a process and a journey, and this must be the mission of the church.
It seems at times that we are in a war against evil that cannot be won, and then I remember that the gates of hell cannot defeat the true church, the key is that we remember our war is not with people and other churches, but against a real devil, against a religious mentality that keeps people in bondage. Jesus Christ is able to set people free and keep them free, May He help us to become missional in our thinking and develop people for the Kingdom of God!