Thursday, March 22, 2007

Flying, Faith, and the Future
Last Thursday I flew to Indianapolis with two of the most delightful ladies one could ever meet. They were both 84, didn't look a day over 65, both had some health issues, one from Florida and one from Michigan. Usually I don't talk much with the people around me, I read or sleep or both, sometimes engage in a very limited conversation, but most often plug in the Ipod and mind my own business...Last Thursday that was not the case! I'm not sure how we got talking, but we talked from the time we got seated until we landed and were leaving one another. We talked about weather, good places to eat, education, children and grandchildren, health, and how to make a good glass of tea. I cannot tell you the last time I've enjoyed flying that much, the girls were great! As we are talking we began to discuss children and what the future holds, one of the ladies very kindly but confidently said, "We've got work to do, we're not leaving much of a world to our children! We must be more positive, do our very best, and then leave them in the Lord's hands!" How true that is, how desperately our children need to connect with older people, sit at their feet, hear their stories, catch their spirits, and gain their wisdom. Our older people have so much to offer, and if we can see the opportunity before to connect the generations in a positive manner, it could be powerful! I think the Lord has this passing on the baton from the generations in mind when He says that the former and latter rain are being poured out together, there's something for everyone!

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