Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Leaving Again...
Thursday I'm flying out to Indianapolis where I will then be transported to Danville, IL for a three day revival and then on to Champaign, IL to a church we pastored for seven years. I'm getting in ministry and traveling mode, asking God to give me the words both of these churches and pastors need, to help me be a friend and blessing to the pastors, to allow the weather to be warm so I can wear my new flip-flops, or as the sticker on them said...male thongs...that certainly creates a visual that will sicken anyone that has ever met me! After looking at the weather report, it may be possible to wear my flip-flops, but it will only be a statement of where I now live, because it's going to be cool...Got to take a coat! I'm looking forward to these meetings, have some mixed feelings, I love Champaign the city, the people and the church there, we pastored there a long time, our oldest daughter was three when we moved there and our youngest daughter was born there. I probably grew there in more ways than I realized, so going back is an honor, but it's always hard to go back, for me, I don't want to go back and relive what was but rather I desire to see what is and what is to come, pray for me! When I return next Thursday I'm home for one week and then off to Africa, Pastor James Eason from Leeds, Alabama and myself are going to Kenya for our first Pastor's Conference! Twenty Kenyan pastors are coming into the bush area for four days of teaching and preaching, I'm excited. On Easter Sunday we will minister at Praise Deliverance Church in Eldoret, this is a massive congregation where Bishop George Gichana is the pastor, and then we're headed home on April 8th...racking up the air miles in the next three weeks! Those of you who read my blog, thanks, I appreciate you stopping by, if you don't mind, when you think of me, whisper a prayer for God's protection, wisdom, anointing, and understanding, ask God to give me compassion and favor, and to watch over my family while I'm gone. Thanks!

1 comment:

ruthrap said...

will do! Have a safe trip!