Thursday, June 29, 2006

God Works...When No One Is Looking
I'm on an exercise kick right now. For the past week and a half I've been trying to lose weight and get my blood pressure down, so I've been walking twice a's that cardio thing you know! This morning as I was walking I noticed that the sprinkler system was on at a house around the corner from mine and it got me thinking. In the nine months I've lived in my house I have never seen the sprinklers on, nor have I heard them, but often when I come out of my house I see the evidence that they've been working. Today, there was water on the sidewalk and in the yard, my grass is green and growing well, evidently my sprinklers are working...I just haven't seen them in action! For a visual learner like me I need to see them working to really believe that they are actually in operation...sounds like a spiritual issue doesn't it? Job 23:8-10 says, "Look, I go forward, but He is not there, And backward, but I cannot percieve Him; When He works on the left hand I cannotbehold Him; When He turns to the right hand, I cannot see Him. But He knows the way that I take..." As I was walking it hit me quite hard that just because we don't always see what God is doing doesn't mean that He isn't doing something. Often God works the night shift, moving and ministering, touching our lives and removing our obstacles, He ministers to our situations in ways that are not immediately obvious to us...but He is there! Often we look for the obvious, the visual big picture is our main interest, but God works in the background doing what will work best. He works on the foundation first, making sure that nothing can bring us down, He works in the attic so nothing falls on us, and He works in the midst of all of our activity, insuring that our lives continue as He has planned...we just don't always see Him. What happens with our journey with God is what happens with my lawn, it grows and is healthy, I'm just not always sure how. Today I've determined to quit worrying about my sprinkler system, I'm not going to set my alarm for 4:00 AM to see if it comes on, I'll quit looking at the box on my garage wall...I don't know what I'm looking at anyway...And most of all, I'm going to trust that all will work out like it should...Perhaps that is a spiritual truth as well...Maybe God is asking each us to quit trying to figure everything out and simply allow Him to work His work and see how it all turns out. My goal is to stay green and growing...How about you

1 comment:

ruthrap said...

keep walkin' Neil, it will help, we have a dog that walks us every morning!(except when i work early, then Jose walks with him!) thanks for the faith lesson! sometimes faith is a challenge, we just have to keep the right perspective and know that HE IS THERE!