Something Beyond Normal
Yesterday our pastor was preaching about living our lives in the grace and mercy of the Lord. He mentioned how that God doesn't want us to be in bondage and needing to get saved daily, but to accept the Lord and live in Him and for was a powerful message. Somewhere in the middle of it all he mentioned not being normal...defining normal as the standard set by what everyone else is doing. If the majority is doing a certain thing, then it becomes normal. I sat up for the if one in two homes is's normal? If I go down my block and the majority of the people on it drink, smoke, cuss, commit adultery, read the newspaper in their drawers on the front porch, long as the majority is doing's normal?
The call of God to our generation must be to do something beyond normal! We have never be called to do what everyone else was doing. In fact, that's exactly what got people like Saul and Samson in trouble wasn't it? Israel got Saul because they wanted to be like every other nation, God wasn't enough, they wanted a King like everyone else. Samson said that if his hair was cut he would be like any other man...compromising his relationship with God simply to fit in and gain the affection and attention of one determined to sell him out!
Can I say that I am not for sale! May I say to you that while I would appreciate the fact that people like me and can identify with me, that there is a deep desire inside of me to rise beyond what others are doing and really go somewhere in God! Normal means that I pray, preach, publish, present myself, act like, walk like, talk like, do everything like someone else. I'm thinking of a spiritual movie, "What A Girl Wants", the story of a girl who meets her very proper Bristish father for the first time...she's from San Fransisco...quite different. Things aren't going so well for her in England, the press is on her case, so she decides to fit in...finally her boyfriend asks her the simple question: "Why are you trying to so hard to fit in when you were made to stand out!"
Even within the realms of christianity there are churches, ministers, people, who become the standard for what is deemed normal and effective. So if we fit the mold these have set we are considered normal and acceptable...but normal and acceptable to who? Could it be possible that God created us with individual and corporate identities? Is it possible that one Saddleback is enough, that the only true Willowcreek is in Barrington, IL? Could it be that God is looking for somebody that will allow Him to develop them to the place that they become the them God always desired for them to be?
I'm just thinking I want to be beyond normal...I must enter in...only there can I find out who I really am!