Mixed Feelings
Saddam Hussein is dead, hung and to be buried with his sons. New reports across the world are reporting this historic event, I flipped back and forth from CNN to TLC last night awaiting the news of his passing, and now I'm numb. In the beginning I spoke highly of taking him out, the things he allowed and was involved in were atrocious, if anyone deserved to die in my opinion, he did...But now that he's dead I'm not quite certain how I feel. Glad, relieved, saddened and concerned. A historic evil has been removed, his reign truly has ended, but he was a soul, a husband, and a father. The families of those he murdered must be relieved and rejoicing, but in Lebanon his children weep...I'm probably more for his death than against it, I am concerned about the response of those who favored him, how will this affect our world...and what about his soul?
The scripture says that the soul that sins will die, that all have sinned and the wages of that sin death. It also states that the way of the transgressor is hard, this was definitely a tough way to go. My mind is racing on this issue, I don't want to lose out with God, for my life to become so self centered that I live without remorse or concern and lose my way. I read today on a message board where someone said that Saddam is today in hell, no doubt that is true, what is also true is that I don't want to go there...nor do I wish that on anyone else, regardless of how evil they are, I always pray that some how they have the opportunity to make things right with the Lord.
Saddam's death was probably the right move, but I hope it serves to others as a wake up call, God is on the throne, He is coming soon, and we must be prepared, it's closer than we think!