Thursday, January 03, 2008

I was visiting Phil Hoover's blog this afternoon and he had the words of a song concerning Grace on it and I got inspired. Grace is God's unmerited or undeserved favor, I can't quite explain it, don't deserve, but am so thankful for it. I understand that if He gives me what I deserve I'm done for, I also understand that if I receive grace I must also give it! My wife and I teach a young adult class at our church on Wednesday nights, last night I shared four seeds for a new season of life: 1) I was to be a better communicator; 2) I want to complain less; 3) I want to compliment more; and 4) I want to consecrate all...I realize that without God's grace it is impossible for me to do these things, without the grace of family and friends it is impossible, because I will mess up, I will fail and drop the ball...but grace says that in the face of failure God gives us the power to get up, to receive strength and forgiveness, and to live the overcoming life! The words of a song come to mind:
"There's no other word for grace but amazing No other explanation will do Unmerited favor, a song that I sing There's no other word for grace but amazing!

1 comment:

Phil Hoover said...

"Red can't explain the beauty of a rose;
White can't tell the magic in the air when it snows;
Marvelous can't half convey the grace of the King,
There's no other word for grace, but 'amazing.'"

Thanks for visiting my blog, brother. Love your stuff, as well.