Sunday, September 16, 2007

I Will Wait For The Children!
Several years ago a prophetic word was given to the church I was pastoring that said the Holy Spirit would be poured out upon the earth prior to the return of Christ in an unprecedented manner. We've heard that, read it in the scripture, and believe that it not only will happen, but is presently happening around the world. What spoke loudly to me in that word was the next phrase, "And I Will Wait For The Children!" God is a covenant God, He thinks in generations, not just who is here today, but who is to come. One of the Psalms states that these things are written that a generation yet to be born may praise the Lord. There is something about the children, about future seed that captures the heart of God. While the concept of children causes my mind to consider small ones and youth, to God, who is the Ancient of Days, He considers all of us children, and He is waiting for us to step into what He is doing. Scriptures assures us that in the last of days the earth will be filled with the glory of the Lord, glory is heaviness or weightiness, the awesome presence of God that consumes our lives. To those who can see it, it's already here, others continue to wait. I was reading yesterday in the book of Habbakkuk, where the prophet prays that the people will receive an awareness of the glory that will cover the earth...That's what I pray for today, an awareness, let me see what I haven't seen, let others observe the fullness of God's grace and glory, and may many son's and daughter's be born into the Kingdom!

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