Monday, September 03, 2007

Mixing It Up
On our recent trip to Africa we encountered a demon possessed woman, during the worship time she would worship God, speak in tongues and screech like a cat. We heard her toward the end of the service and simply prayed that God would cause anything that was not of Him to cease, and it did. I spoke with the pastor about it the next day and he told me that this woman was mixing Christianity with witchcraft, a fairly common practice throughout Africa. As I thought on this it seemed to me that we as believers are equally guilty at times of mixing our relationship with the Lord with other things, perhaps not as extreme as witchcraft, but is it possible that our priorities are compromised as we try to make Christianity fit our mold? The constant theme of scripture is God desiring our whole heart, to be put and sought first, promising that everything we need will follow if we love Him first and more than everything...but we...or should I say I, sometimes say He's first, but in reality put Him somewhere in the mix...down the line somewhere. God wants to be first,He deserves to be, but only I can make Him first...I can't afford to mix!

1 comment:

Dave Anderson said...

We had a similar experience in Haiti. An associate pastor in a Church was crowing like a rooster. Some of the brothers sought to pray prayers of deliverance over him. One brother felt God saying, 'Just love the man'.He went over and put his arms around the man and the crowing ceased. Later, the associate pastor said he thought he had a gift of the Spirit. Counterfeits are a dangerous thing.
Dave Anderson