My mind is strained today as I question my life and it's relevance. The motto of our church is that we are a church that is Real-Authentic, Relevant-, and Refreshing. Real and Refreshing are easy for me, it means that we are authentic and that when you leave you feel better, encouraged, and blessed. But this thing about being relevant is bothering me...Am I? And if I am what is it that makes me relevant? If I'm not, how do I become relevant? Does relevance mean that I am acceptable to society and the culture that I'm apart of, that I fit in and relate to the time and place that I now live in? How do I become relevant and not compromise my foundational beliefs. After all, cultures and climates change constantly, but our foundations must be built upon not constantly rebuilt...don't they? Perhaps my struggle is in the ministry the Lord has given me, am I relevant as a minister or have I become so stuck where I'm at that it has become the norm for me and I want it to be the norm for everyone else? I've been checking out church web sites and it appears that some churches, the ones that appear successful have moved into a certain mode, podcasts, casual dress, dark lights during worship and a non-confrontational type I'm asking myself have I become irrelevant? Don't misunderstand, I'm not against any of these things and really like most of it, especially the casual dress thing...I just want to be relevant, to minister to people where they are and help them get where they're supposed to really answer questions that people are asking...and remain faithful and true to the call and commission of Christ. Do I relate to people in a real manner is my question about my self today! There is a scripture in the Psalms that comes to mind, "My Thoughts Trouble Me..." Ever been there?