Thursday, May 25, 2006

God Remembers You...He Knows Your Name!
There's a song going through my mind today that say, "I am not forgotten, I am not forgotten, I am not forgotten...God knows my name!"
Have you ever felt forgotten? Has it ever crossed your mind that God may not be aware of you? Do you ever feel like you've been abandoned and left to fend for yourself? I think we all do at times. Perhaps in moments when the tangible presence of God doesn't seem as strong, or when everyone but you feels Him, is hearing from Him, and are being visibly blessed by Him...We start to wonder where God is, what He is doing, and if He really knows who are where we are!
The prophet Isaiah said that He has etched us in the palm of His hand...and that we are not to be afraid for God is with us...In fact, Isaiah said He will be with us in the flood and the fire...Awesome Stuff!
Several years ago Lamar and Waneda Brownlow were in our home in Illinois. Waneda and my wife went shopping, while out together Waneda told my wife, "After I leave I want you to tell Neil something for me. While I was praying this morning the Lord told me to remind him that I still love him...I think he forgets some times!"
We're not forgotten!

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