Wednesday, October 03, 2007

My Daughter Is Sick...Would You Pray For Her?
Last night our youth pastor brought our oldest daughter home from dance practice saying that her chest had been hurting, her pulse was racing, and she was having difficulty breathing. My wife took her to a Urgent Care facility where they got her calmed down, did a breathing treatment and determined she doesn't have pneumonia. We're not certain what is going on with her, but she has not well for several weeks, has headaches quite often and simply needs the touch of the Lord. I'm in Ohio, so while I can't really do anything for her, I want her to be well and I believe that God heals and that when people pray God moves. For me it really is that simple. So if you read my blog today, would you mind whispering a prayer for my baby? Thanks!


Kathi said...

Hi Neil! Just prayed for her! :)

Neil said...

Thanks Kathi! I spoke with my wife a few hours ago and she was some better, quite impatient, that may be a good sign. Thanks again!

Ken said...

Praying here, my friend!